首页 - 本科 - 学者 - 第一年研讨会 - 主题描述



本课程将探讨美高梅mgm平台的使命,以及个人健康如何, 压力, 在多元文化和以信仰为基础的教育环境中,人际关系可能会带来挑战和机遇.

第一年研讨会 Themes 和 Descriptions

Creating Your Personal Success Plan with Kirby查斯克

This is a designated Personal Success Plan Course, 在这篇文章中,学生概述了帮助他们面对挑战的优势和优势, 识别障碍, form an action plan for college success. 美高梅mgm平台作为一个文科和信仰为基础的机构的使命将被讨论和理解. 学生将探索他们是谁,他们相信什么,分享,倾听,一起学习. 教授将在整个课程中促进讨论和活动.

Learn more about your faculty mentor, Kirby查斯克, 在这里


What we place our 信仰 in matters. When we fly on a plane, 美高梅mgm平台正在使用某种程度的信念——尽管美高梅mgm平台并没有完全理解物理学的全部, 航空电子设备, all the technology involved in making a plane fly, we trust that it will take us to our destination safely. We also have to place our 信仰 in the pilots – without having met them, without seeing their resume or knowing their qualifications, 等. 美高梅mgm平台只知道相信飞机会把美高梅mgm平台带到一个有利的目的地. 天体物理学家兼教授阿列克谢·菲利潘科说:“也就是说,科学家只了解宇宙的4%, we underst和 pretty well the nature of 4 percent of the universe. The stuff that is made of atoms.” So what about the other 96% that is unknown? How do our lives best play out amidst that narrative? Is it possible to know God’s will for our lives? 在生活的挑战和神秘中,美高梅mgm平台如何为自己和他人创造更好的结果? We will wrestle with these 和 other questions. As part of this course, we will have some great 讨论...some fun in the process of discovery…和 perhaps find some answers.

Learn more about your faculty mentor 乔尔Hoomans.

I just want to drink coffee 和 worship with 凯瑟琳Allkofer & 克里斯汀查尔默斯

你有没有考虑过在你的大学生活中如何做礼拜? How can you grow in your 信仰 during college?  你的动力是什么??  你有没有花时间思考过你上大学的目的?  What role does 信仰 play in making sense of your 教育al journey?  美高梅mgm平台将学习如何回答美高梅mgm平台信仰的问题,以及如何通过美高梅mgm平台的大学经历来敬拜. While drinking a nice cup of coffee, we can grow in our 信仰 和 make our time at Roberts more productive.

Learn more about your faculty mentors, 凯瑟琳Allkofer & 克里斯汀查尔默斯.


大学是一个过渡和变化的时期,既令人兴奋又令人伤脑筋! But college is also a time of self-discovery 和 growth, a time of finding out how you were built 和 how you are not built! 在这个课堂上, we will explore the notion of vocation, 或者打电话, the way we learn to hear what God has 和 has not built us for, not only for our future careers but in play, 爱, 生活, 信仰, 和任务. You will gain perspective on who you are, the community we share, 世界 we’ve been called to bless through readings, 演讲嘉宾, 活动, 和服务. Through hybrid learning, 美高梅mgm平台将学习如何平衡美高梅mgm平台的虚拟和个人的存在,并练习健康的技能,以联系个人, 在学业上, 和专业.

Learn more about your faculty mentor, 塔米Myslivecek阿什利·库珀


Nearly a billion people, making less than $1.90 per day, live in “extreme poverty” worldwide. Many of these individuals live without adequate access to food, 干净的水, 避难所, 基本的电, 教育, healthcare needs. 消除极端贫困仍然是美高梅mgm平台今天面临的一项重要全球挑战. This FYS section will investigate how socioeconomic status, 性别, 比赛, 地理位置, 传染病, natural disasters contribute to the global poverty crisis. 美高梅mgm平台还将研究及时提供可持续发展和未来希望的相关创新故事.

Learn more about your faculty mentor, Jason 泰勒, 在这里

Next Stop: College - W在这里 I Discover Who I Am with 林赛Mwene & Ezrine泰勒

欢迎来到大学, your newest destination in 生活, w在这里 you will begin your exciting discovery of becoming your best self. 随着你的前进, 你将面对未知,并表现出尝试新事物或不同事物的意愿, even though it may be challenging. This seminar will focus on the Diversity, 股本, 包容来自不同背景的所有人,帮助美高梅mgm平台在诚信的主题上共同努力, 个人优点, 仆人领导, overall adjustment to your college experience.

Learn more about your faculty mentors, 林赛Mwene & Ezrine泰勒.

We R Who We R: Finding Our Truth 和 Living Our Truth with 戴安娜雅培

在生活中,对自己感到舒适并不总是那么容易, especially as we embark on our journey in college. This course is designed to offer students a range of 活动, 讨论, opportunities to Let Go, 让上帝帮助美高梅mgm平台找到真正的目标,这样美高梅mgm平台就可以成为上帝希望美高梅mgm平台成为的仆人式领袖,同时忠于自己. 了解美高梅mgm平台是谁,了解美高梅mgm平台在当今世界的位置是一项具有挑战性的任务. Through targeted course content focused upon God's 爱 和 g比赛, 为了构建美高梅mgm平台想要成为的人,美高梅mgm平台将开始解构美高梅mgm平台被期望成为的人.

Learn more about your faculty mentor, 戴安娜雅培, 在这里

蓬勃发展:通过探索文化,召唤和关怀与凯利法索特成长 & 凯莉·巴巴托(AEP)

欣欣向荣是一种超越单纯生存的状态,意味着成长和积极发展. 这个特别的探索性第一年研讨会为学术探索项目的学生提供支持, 活动, community as they examine personal wellness, 他们是谁, their unique gifts, 值, vision they can offer their communities. 与其他积极探索学术和生活道路的学生在一起,可以从同龄人那里获得见解,并在庆祝多样性的同时获得宝贵的社区意识.g. 不同的学术兴趣、职业道路、观点、背景、文化和个性). This class will focus on the transition to college, optimizing the student experience, 并为学生在罗伯茨大学成长和发展提供一个安全的空间.

Learn more about your faculty mentors, 凯利Fasoldt & 凯莉·巴巴托(AEP).

Freedom in Rochester 和 the World with 丹尼斯约翰逊 & 杰弗瑞麦克弗森

全球荣誉课程的一个重要组成部分是第一年的荣誉研讨会课程. 第一年研讨会旨在向美高梅mgm平台的一年级学生介绍大学生活. In addition to introducing the students to their new academic setting, 荣誉第一年研讨会课程将集中在B. T. 罗伯茨:自由. 在本课程中, 学生将探索罗切斯特的政治运动和创新, NY, that led to various forms of freedom, not only in Western New York but in the country 和, 随后, 世界. Through a series of readings, historical Rochester site visits, 还有客座讲师, students will learn about: B.T. Roberts 和 the rich history of Roberts Wesleyan University, his views on women’s rights 和 slavery, his foundational work in the Free Methodist church. The work 和 lives of Frederick Douglass 和 Susan B. Anthony, explore how their freedom movements impacted 世界. 另外, 学生们将学习现代奴隶制,并从过去和现在的联系中吸取教训. 伊利运河, 发现运河系统如何在罗切斯特地区和世界各地开辟了商业自由. The invention of Photographic Film 和 how it revolutionized photography. 学生们还将研究如何使用相机来拍摄世界各地的自由运动. Throughout the course, 学生将讨论作为基督徒的自由意味着什么,以及基督徒对那些遭受压迫的人的责任. To put h和s 和 feet into the 讨论 和 explorations, 该课程将参与一个与当地反人口贩运组织合作的服务项目. 本课程将让学生看到当地政治运动和创新的全球影响,并将帮助学生认识到,无论他们在哪里, they can make a difference in 世界.

Learn more about your faculty mentors, 丹尼斯约翰逊, 杰弗里·麦克弗森.