Faculty Mentors

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Diana Abbott, Ph.D.

Professor of Education; Director, M.Ed. in Special Education Program

Ashley Cooper, PsyD, CAS

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Joel Hoomans, Dr.

Professor of Management and Leadership Studies

Denise Johnson, Ed.D.

Associate Professor of Education; Associate Director of the Honors Program

Jeffrey McPherson, Ph.D.

Professor of Christian Theology; Director of the Honors Program

Lindsey Mwene

Assistant Professor of Management; DEI Liason

Jason R. Taylor, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences; “Dean, School of Natural & Social Sciences’; Professor of Chemistry; Adjunct Professor of First-Year Seminar

Kirby Trask, M.A.

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice; Chair, Department of Criminal Justice

Adjunct Faculty

Katherine Allkofer

Adjunct for First-Year Seminar

Kristen Chalmers

Adjunct Professor

Tammie Myslivecek, MATSJ

School of Nursing, Assistant to the Dean and Administrative Graduate Program Director

Ezrine Taylor, DHA

Teacher Education Undergraduate and Graduate Program Coordinator, Adjunct Professor of Business